Monte Cazazza can be called a messias of industrial music. He was one of the very first to include tape loops, samples (with recordings of violence ambience, rape, wars and other atrocities). Oh, he was also expelled from the Oakland College of Arts and Crafts because when he was asked to do his first sculpture assignment, he built a cement waterfall hat permanently disabled the main stairway of the college's building. His work is considered so obscene that I've heard that even nowadays it's difficult for him to appear on the streets. He would've meet some of his friends with dead cats and then would blow them up to pieces. Now that's a fair lesson to be and stay obscene and controversial.
This album (that features an ironic title and is a fairly good compilation) contains various songs of Monte's career. The tracks are:
- Bart Alberti, M.D.: "Psychiatric Review" - 2:10
- Monte Cazazza: "To Mom On Mother's Day" - 3:26
- Monte Cazazza: "Candy Man" - 2:33
- Monte Cazazza: "Rabid Rats (Vietnam)" - 2:09
- Monte Cazazza: "Distress" - 2:21
- Monte Cazazza: "Mary Bell" - 2:23
- Monte Cazazza: "Kick The Habit Man" - 2:04
- Monte Cazazza: "First/Last" - 5:14
- Monte Cazazza: "Tiny Tears" - 1:39
- Monte Cazazza: "Stairway To Hell" - 4:50
- Monte Cazazza: "Sex Is No Emergency" - 2:59
- Monte Cazazza: "A Snitch Is A Snitch" - 8:59
- The Love Force: "Six Eyes From Hell" - 4:45
- The Love Force: "Liars (Feed Those Christians To The Lions)" - 5:26
- The Atom Smashers: "A Is For Atom" - 6:10
- The Atom Smashers: "If Thoughts Could Kill" - 6:36
- The Atom Smashers: "Mark Of The Devil" - 6:19
- The Love Force: "Climax" - 8:00
Have this album by clicking here, if you dare [not for the weak of heart].
I'll leave one song of the album I enjoy a lot: "If Thoughts Could Kill":
ah, e reparar na letra!