The track list is the following:
1. | "Tuistos Herz" (Tuisto's Heart) | 6:13 |
2. | "Der Tod Wuotans" (The Death of Wotan) | 6:43 |
3. | "Ansuzgardaraiwô" (Warriors of Asgard) | 4:28 |
4. | "Die Liebe Nerþus'" (Nerthus' Love) | 2:14 |
5. | "Frijôs einsames Trauern" (The Lonesome Mourning of Frigg) | 6:15 |
6. | "Einfühlungsvermögen" (The Power of Empathy) | 3:55 |
7. | "Frijôs goldene Tränen" (Frigg's Golden Tears) | 2:38 |
8. | "Der weinende Hadnur" (The Crying Höðr) | 1:16 |
My favourite tracks are: "Ansuzgardaraiwô", "Der Tod Wuotans" and also "Frijôs goldene Tränen". The album's lenght is 33 minutes and 42 seconds. It was released on the label entitled Misanthropy.
The album can be downloaded here. This is a great album, one of the best dark ambient albums I've heard lately.
Below, as a preview, you can hear "Ansuzgardaraiwô":
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