Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Storm of Light "And We Wept the Black Ocean Within"

A recent band (they started around 2007), they are sometimes labeled as post-metal and other times as doom metal. From Brooklyn, not all this trendy hype bands are born: this band is a fine argument.
This record has a more doomy approach, according to my ears. Their music features slow and dense rhythms, with guitars raging the air with their high distorted notes. Blend despair with music and you get A Storm of Light.
The tracklist is:
  1. Adrift (the albatross I)
  2. Vast and Endless
  3. Black Ocean
  4. Thunderhead
  5. Undertow (the albatross II)
  6. Mass
  7. Leaden Tide
  8. Breach (the albatross III)
  9. Descent
  10. Iron Heart

My favourite tracks are: "Black Ocean", "Mass" and "Iron Heart". The whole album is great though: and it's the band's debut record, don't forget this. Since then, they've released 2 more albums.
Their myspace can be accessed here.
The album is available here.

Below is the third track, "Black Ocean":

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