[gig reviews] Black Bombaim and Mamute at Galeria Zé dos Bois, March 2010
Black Bombaim are a portuguese band that are part of the Barcelos' underground scene. Their psychedelic, stoner apprentices. Tight riffs, fast drums, blazing theremins, absent vocals, all these things make the listener beg for more of their songs. They sure get you high without the need of any drugs: the music is the drug here. At Z.D.B. they performed what seemed almost like for straight an hour or so. I filmed almost all the gig. It's available on youtube: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5.
Below is the fifth part of Black Bombaim's concert I filmed:
Mamute consist of a portuguese duo that love and create heavy rock. They entitle it "cliché". It may sound like it is such thing, but not the kind of deal that'll get you bored for sure. You could rock on to their music for days. Here are some parts I filmed of their gig: part 1, part 2 and part 3. Below is a part I filmed of Mamute's performance:
This is the finest sonar paintingthat's currently living in the Blogosphere: this artifact is so sophisticated that it wraps you inthe most awkward conversationsdealing with music. However, besmart enough not to get too muchmelomaniac... or else, you'll be caught by this sonar painting called "Serotonin Sounds".
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